Hey everyone!
Neither Alexa nor I am in the U.S. right now! That's because Alexa is in Canada, while I am in Mexico. We were supposed to be both together this weekend, but Alexa has a few strange pains in her stomach and seeing a doctor on the road isn't easy, in fact, its almost impossible to do. We discussed our options, and decided we would pick the safest option, which would be for Alexa to fly to Canada and see her doctor there and be with her parents and have a stable home until she gets her medicine and is better, and then she'll come back and join me wherever I am on the road, and hopefully it's sooner than later!
Would appreciate your prayers about this. We aren't worried about this, but just taking this seriously and getting her the best care possible rather than a walk-in doctor on the road without follow-ups because we would be at the next stop and the one after that.
We've had a long week, and it's not even the weekend yet. Because I'm about to doze off, I'll let the pictures do all the storytelling. We both know you like pictures better, so enjoy them below!
- Alex n Alexa
Driving down to Bakersfield - The Scenic Route |
The Lincoln chugged and chugged up and around the roads! |
Sheer cliffs, swirling waters. |
One of the many bridges |
We came to a stop and discovered many seals sunbathing. This is a first for us. For many Californians, they say, "oh, that's nothing special". Maybe it's their version of squirrels. |
Often the seals would turn up and bellow or scream because sea gulls annoyed them, another seals tried to sleep on top of them, or maybe because they just were cranky. |
Howling! |
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a fight! It was more of those two jawing off at each other, though. |
See the sea otters chilling in the water by the rock? |
They float, but have to constantly adjust because of the waves. If I was an otter, I'd just go up on the shore like the seals. |
Leaving the coast to go to the mainland - Bakersfield |
As we got more and more near, we could have swore we were in Lubbock! |
Alexa telling the Bakersfield church group about our vision. |
Jeff Jackson, the preacher. He's a very cool fellow. |
Great group! Many of them were our age so it was good to interact with them and show them what they could do in the future with helping children or going on a mission trip. |
Alexa packing for her trip to Canada. That's our trunk life right there! |
Alexa giving me one last "ILY" before flying. |
The Lincoln rests while I go and join Omar. In San Diego. |
Now Omar is da driver! Finally I get a break from driving! He drove all the way to Rancho Sordo Mudo, the deaf school in Mexico. Around a 2-hour drive from San Diego. |
Saw the cruise ship that's been on the newspaper for being stranded. That's the ship in the distance. Couldn't get a better picture because we were driving fast. |
They didn't even check our passports or anything. Just let us right in. |
Tijuana reminds me of Cancun - Americanized Mexico. |
Something you just don't see in the U.S. |
Mexico Coastline |
Payin' the toll to use the road. |
Near Rancho Sordo Mudo, the drive was filled with vineyards and wineries. Beautiful drive. |
Finally |
Because Omar, a graduate of Rancho Sordo Mudo, was coming - the cooks decided to serve up pizza! It tasted very good. |
The cute children of RSM. Around 35 kids in total. They all could communicate well, and many of them knew ASL. All of them sign in LSM (Mexican Sign Language), and it is challenging! Learning a new language takes some time. |
Some of the kids surprised us with face paint. Very jovial group! |
Late in the night, Omar and I went to a taco stand and had some of the best steak tacos you'll ever eat! Spicy, but juicy.
Then we slept. |
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